
Every student at DMA is provided a full annual scholarship, which includes two meals a day, uniforms, a Chromebook, visual and performing arts classes, athletics, field trips, and summer school. Our extended school year lasts from early August through May, with a mandatory summer program during the month of June. DMA also has an extended school day to support more instructional time, as well as additional hours for enrichment classes and extracurricular activities. The school day starts at 7:45 a.m. and ends at 4 p.m.


De Marillac Academy focuses on the development of foundational skills during our extended eight-hour school day, with the goal of preparing graduates to succeed academically in high school. DMA’s core curriculum includes English Language Arts (ELA), Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM), and Religion.

  • Small class sizes with a co-teaching model ensures a 12:1 student to teacher ratio which promotes intensive, individualized attention. De Marillac Academy recognizes and celebrates learning differences by utilizing a dedicated Academic Resource and counselor team in order to support students with special needs.  

  • In addition to core subjects, lower grades (4-5th) participate in DEAR time (Drop Everything and Read) to deepen the development of reading comprehension and literacy. Upper grades (6-8th) have Independent Learning Time (ILT) built into the school day which focuses on reading and math practice. 

  • DMA hires and trains exceptional, mission-centered educators. To help support their professional growth, all faculty participate in training throughout the school year that focus on curriculum development, classroom management, research-based pedagogical strategies, and diversity and inclusion. 

  • Students are also exposed to a wealth of additional co-curriculars including art, music, and drama. Community partners engage students through enrichment classes which include dance, Catholic faith development, movement, and cooking.


Enrichment classes enhance curricular offerings and expose students to a variety of opportunities for them to explore. Through these classes, students step out of their comfort zone by trying new activities, learn new interests and hobbies and build upon their current talents. Enrichment class offerings vary each year and can include computer programming, robotics, public speaking, theater, chess and more. Classes are taught by faculty, community partners or individual volunteers, such as Alonzo King Lines Ballet, The Cutting Ball Theater and UC Hastings.

Performing Arts

Every time a student gets onstage, they are internalizing the message, “I have something valuable to say, and I am worth listening to.” DMA’s Performing Arts program encourages children to explore their emotions, expand their imaginations, and develop their own unique voice. Each discipline of music and drama engages a child’s brain, body, and emotions in different ways to encourage their confidence and find joy in self-expression.

One option for students is Drama Club, an extracurricular activity that offers the opportunity to act, direct, or participate in set and costume design. This year, 46 students are participating in Drama Club.

Music is also an important part of our holistic approach. It provides the opportunity to express creativity and build a closer connection with God. DMA students receive an hour of music class weekly. This is an introduction to music history, musical instruments and families, musical theory, and music from a variety of cultures. It is also an opportunity to learn liturgical music and Mass songs, play percussion instruments, and develop an overall love of listening to and singing music. The DMA Choir is widely known for its beautiful voices and giving students the opportunity to build their confidence by performing publicly at community events. This year, 54 students are participating in choir


Athletics are an important part of the DMA experience. Students participate in weekly physical education and movement classes, learn about healthy habits and how to care for their bodies, and build life skills and self-awareness that support their physical health, spiritual maturity, and emotional well-being. In support of their physical health, our athletic program aims to:

  • Improve fitness, gross motor skills, and self-esteem

  • Grow teamwork and sportsmanship in practice

  • Teach strategy, skills, and tactics

  • Encourage participation in competitive sports

  • Develop school pride and connections with other Catholic schools through Catholic Charities CYO Athletics

Field Trips

Our faculty and staff build creative and meaningful experiences inside and outside the classroom to further learning. In the 2023–24 school year, students took 25 field trips including visits to the de Young Museum, the San Francisco Zoo, the Children’s Creativity Musem, the California Academy of Sciences, the Exploratorium, the San Francisco Ballet, the Oakland Museum, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the Muir Woods, Chinatown, and the Mission’s Dolores Park and Clarion Alley.

Summer Program