Neighborhood Safety


The Tenderloin neighborhood of San Francisco is home to many families with students, many social service organizations and other small businesses. Safety can be a concern while living, working, or attending school in the Tenderloin.  Students and families are encouraged to be aware of their surroundings at all times. De Marillac Academy is not responsible for the health and safety of students while they are traveling to and from school. Therefore, De Marillac Academy staff and administration recommend that guardians/families escort the student to and from school whenever possible.  

To ensure student safety, De Marillac Academy enjoys close working relationships with the Tenderloin Police Station,the Client Safety Services (CSS) department of St. Anthony’s Foundation, Safe Passage, and Urban Alchemy. CSS has security officers on the street from 6:30am until 5:30pm, at both 150 Golden Gate Avenue and 121 Golden Gate Avenue, in close proximity to the entrance to De Marillac. 


Through a collective community effort, the 100-block of Golden Gate Avenue is closed to through traffic 6am-5pm, creating a safe, traffic-free space for people to walk, sit, play, and move around. The space also serves the community by hosting things like outdoor voter registration and Play Streets events for children. DMA vehicles are able to enter Golden Gate Avenue prior to drop-off and dismissal.


Students are to remain on the campus or in adult supervision off-campus as required for school-sponsored field trips or activities from 7:45 a.m. until 4:10 pm. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, and 7:45 until 3:10 pm on Wednesday.


This campus is closed and cannot allow students to come and go.  Visitors are allowed.  Students can leave escorted by an adult if they have early dismissal or specific written consent (signed by a family/guardian) allowing them to leave unaccompanied.   


Visitors must be cleared through the Student Services Center, must sign in on the iPad, and must wear a visitor’s pass while on campus.  Families who come to school must check in at the office and may not go to classrooms unless they have a scheduled appointment with a teacher.

Emergency Procedures

De Marillac Academy has established a comprehensive Emergency Response Plan that covers a wide range of emergency situations with corresponding procedures. Our faculty and staff regularly undergo training sessions to ensure they are up-to-date on protocols and procedures necessary during emergencies. Additionally, all faculty and staff are trained in CPR and First Aid to further enhance our preparedness and response capabilities.

Required Vaccinations

California State Law requires that every student's families present to the school proof of immunization from communicable disease. This information must be on file for every student in school. The Department of Public Health requires proof of immunity from:  Polio, Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis, measles, mumps, and rubella, hepatitis B, Varicella (Chicken Pox) and Tuberculosis.

California State added a 7th-grade immunization requirement to the California School Immunization Law, effective July 1, 1999. Students entering 7th grade in public and private schools will need to have three hepatitis B shots and a second measles (or MMR) shot.  A Tetanus booster is required. De Marillac Academy will ask to see your student's immunization record as proof of immunization.  

Students who have not received their hepatitis B shots before the first day of 7th grade will not be permitted to attend school from school and placed on an administrative suspension. Make sure your student has completed the three-shot series before school begins.
Exemption provisions of the California School Immunization Law for medical reasons apply to the 7th grade requirements. 

Student Health

The school Administration should be made aware of any medical, physical or emotional problem of a student that may, in any way, affect the student's performance in school or school activities.  Written notification to the administration must be made prior to the first day of school each year your student attends De Marillac Academy. Prior notification to the Administration concerning such matters, even though they may appear minor, can prevent possible misunderstandings at a later time.


School Lunch Policy

Lunch is served everyday including minimum days at De Marillac Academy. Families may choose not to participate in the lunch program only if the student has special dietary needs. In this case, a Doctor’s note to the Principal must be submitted identifying the dietary needs, and families will be responsible for providing a nutritionally balanced lunch daily (no sodas, sweets, fast food or chips). The family’s decision is binding throughout the year; there is no opportunity to change, either to “opt into” or to “opt out of” the lunch program after Friday, August 12, 2022. Please note, Doctor notes that do not include a detailed reason why the student is opting out from the lunch program won’t be authorized. Before submitting your Doctor notes to the main office, please make sure the letter includes the specific reason(s) why your student is opting out from our lunch program. For example, a note such as “she or he needs adequate nutrition” is not a specific reason and won’t be authorized.