Introducing the New DEMARILLAC.ORG
De Marillac Academy is proud to announce the launch of our new website Our goals for this new site included educating the general public about De Marillac Academy and our mission, sharing the success stories of our students, graduates and families, providing an opportunity for individuals, community organizations and corporations to partner in our mission, and most importantly supporting the educational experiences of our current and prospective students, graduates and their families.
We’ve worked hard to create a site with a cleaner updated look and easier navigation. Our hope is that you enjoy the site and find the information you are looking for. Visit our new site at
Our new features
New Graduate and Prospective and Current Families Resource Pages — Our new site includes resources pages for graduates, prospective families and current families to support all in navigating through their or their students’ educational experience.
Our Site is Mobile Friendly — Visit our website on a laptop, mobile or tablet. You’ll see our website responds to your devices and shows a mobile friendly version for your convenience.
We’ve Added a Search Bar — Looking for something specific on our website? Use our new search bar to find a specific section or piece of information.
An Easy Way to Donate — Our new donation page is simple, straight forward, and easy to use. Our new online giving form allows donors to make a one-time gift as well as set up recurring gifts.
We will continue to expand our resources for current and prospective students, graduates and their families to enhance the educational experience. To stay connected on social media, follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube.
If you have any questions or feedback you would like to share with our team regarding our new website, please fill out the form on our Contact us page.
We look forward to your partnership to push our mission forward!