2024-2025 SY Family Newsletter - December Edition

December 2024 DMA Family Newsletter
December Edition, 2024-2025 School Year
"Do not forget to thank God
for all the blessings he bestows on you."
- St. John Baptist de la Salle

Dear De Marillac Academy Families, Students, and Friends,
There are many things to be thankful for this season of thanks. First and foremost, to our school president, Ms. Theresa Flynn-Houghton. Her work and dedication to lead all aspects of DMA to sustained and growing success. To the development team. Their relentless drive to ensure the ongoing operations of the school.  The facilities team ensures students are fed and that the campus is clean and inviting. The faculty engages with students daily. Their work prepares students to meet the high expectations of a DMA graduate. Their use of creativity and support helps instill the values and skills needed for students to overcome the world's ever-changing challenges.

December's Lasallian/Vincentian core value is Faith in the Presence of God. This core value "calls all students into a deeper awareness of their saving relationship with a caring and loving God and to see the world through the 'eyes of faith.' Awareness, growth, and celebration of the presence of God was an important element of St. John Baptist de la Salle's faith. Faith in the presence of God "invites the cultivation of the precious, the personal, and the prayerful vis-a-vis God as present." (Faith in the Presence of God - delasalle.org)

Thank you for reading the newsletter. Live Jesus in Our Hearts, Forever!

Your Servant in Christ,

Jojo de Guzman

December Calendar: Important Dates

Please see important dates for the month of December listed below. Visit the Alma Calendar to view the school-year calendar. 
Thursday, 12/5
Select DMA Choir performs for St. Thomas More Society 

Thursday, 12/5
6th Grade Caritas Family Meeting

Tuesday, 12/10 
December Community Mass with SHC at St Mary's Cathedral

Thursday, 12/12
Las Mananitas during the morning assembly

Thursday, 12/12

6th grade field trip to CPMC

Friday, 12/13
Select DMA Choir Performs for Hibernian Newman Club

Friday, 12/13

Select DMA Choir Performs for the Boeddeker Tree Lighting Ceremony
Friday, 12/13
DMA Drama Club Performs Winter Play -- "Roshambo"

Tuesday, 12/17
Drama Club attends a play at A.C.T. 

Thursday, 12/19
DMA Christmas Wonderland
Minimum Day

Friday, 12/20 -- Monday, 1/6
Christmas Break

Tuesday, 1/7
Class Resumes

Updates & Reminders

Springtide/Climate Survey
Families of 7th and 8th graders receive an invitation to complete the annual Springtide Survey. This survey provides feedback to DMA and our Lasallian district, SFNO.  Thank you for completing the survey.

December Community Mass
December Community Mass will be held on Tuesday, December 10. It will be held in the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption. Mass is at 10:05 am. All are welcome.  
Rainy Days
As the rainy season approaches, this is a reminder that students are allowed to wear non-DMA outerwear to school and will be asked to remove it when they reach their classroom.  

Safety Survey
As we evaluate the safety of our community and neighborhood, Please take a few minutes to fill out the survey and provide feedback.  Thank you to those who have completed the survey.  
Calendar Updates
Thursday, December 19, is a minimum day. It is the last day before Christmas Break.  

Other calendar updates include:
Friday, December 6, is a full day.
Wednesday, March 26, is a full day.
Friday, March 28, is a minimum day.
Calendar updates have been made due to a change in the accreditation visit. 

Name on Jackets
Reminder to include names and initials on student jackets and other items. There are several jackets with no names or initials on them.
DMA Christmas Wonderland
We are excited to celebrate our Christmas Wonderland for all students and families. Please help us make this event wonderful by bringing food. 
Pre-packaged food and drinks can be dropped off in the SSC anytime/ day between now and December 18th or the day of the event before 9:30 am 
Warm food should be dropped off on the day of the event. December 19th between 7:45 am - 9:30 am. Be on the lookout for a form for sign-ups coming soon. All families are welcome to attend.

DMA Drama Club presents -- "Roshambo." The performance will be on Friday, December 13, at 3:15 pm for the school community and 5:30 pm for the general community.


Health & Community Resources 

St. Anthony's Medical Clinic: Your Neighbor in Health

Across The Street , At Your Service

St. Anthony’s Medical Clinic is a beacon of health and wellness for the Tenderloin community, located
conveniently across the street from the De Marillac Academy. Annually, we open our doors to nearly
2,500 individuals and families, offering over 9,000 visits for essential primary care to specialized services.

Our Mission: Care Without Boundaries
Patient-Centered Care: Focused on accessibility and dignity, we offer comprehensive primary and
specialty medical services tailored to meet your needs.

Language Inclusive: Our bilingual doctors ensure no language barrier stands between you and your
health. All our communications are available in multiple languages.

For Everyone: Whether you're uninsured, underinsured, or an undocumented family member, we’re
here for you. With the recent Medi-Cal expansion for adults ages 26 through 49, more community
members than ever can access full-scope Medi-Cal benefits. For more information, contact our Eligibility
& Enrollment Specialist at (415) 241-8320.

Exemplary Medical Services For All Ages
Pediatrics, Women’s Health, Podiatry, Ophthalmology, Nutrition: Specialized care that addresses your
unique health needs.

Comprehensive Support: From asthma and diabetes education to hypertension management and
psychiatric services, our team is equipped to offer personalized care.

Vaccinations & Testing: Stay protected with our immunization programs and accessible COVID-19 testing
and support services.

The Peaceful Parenting Hub

Why Choose Us?
Premier Staff: Our team comprises highly qualified professionals dedicated to treating each patient with
the utmost respect and dignity.

Convenient Location: Just a short walk from DeMarillac Academy, making it easier for you and your
family to access quality healthcare.

Stay Informed 
Keep an eye on the De Marillac Academy monthly newsletters and Thursday Folders for updates and
more information about our services.

Get In Touch
Phone: Main - (415) 241-8320 | Nurse Line - (415) 535-2043
Visit Us: 150 Golden Gate Avenue, 2nd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94102
For more details or to schedule a tour, please call us. We’re here to help!

Community Safety
Safety is a top priority at De Marillac Academy. We implement various measures to ensure the well-being of our students while they are on campus. Additionally, we maintain ongoing collaborations with local organizations and city officials, including the Tenderloin Police Department, to enhance and ensure safety within our neighborhood. We will provide monthly updates to the community
 Please see below for the monthly community safety updates. 

Flu and Covid Shot Reminder
As we enter the flu season, we want to ensure a healthy and safe environment for our students, staff, faculty, and community. To help prevent illness, we encourage everyone to receive both their flu and COVID-19 vaccinations.
Class of 2030
  • Admission inquiries for the 2025-26 school year are now open!
  • If your or any family or friends are interested in admissions for the 2025-26 School year, please fill out the admissions inquiry form.

Graduate Support Program

Graduate Support Updates

Congratulations to all 8th grade students and families for submitting their Catholic High School applications! We will soon wrap up the application submission portion of the year with the HSPT, TADS financial aid applications, and SFUSD/Charter school application process.
During the month of December, the Graduate Support Class will focus on reflection and goal setting as students finish up their school work for the first half of the school year and set goals for the new year ahead. Graduate Support staff will continue to work with students and families during and after school until the holiday break. Please contact Mr. Martinez or Ms. Leon for resources, questions, or feedback: gsp@demarillac.org 

High School Transition Reminders

During the next three weeks, we will be focusing on the High School Placement Test, financial aid (TADS) application, and the completion of SFUSD and Charter high school applications

1.  High School Placement Test (HSPT) Preparation

The HSPT will be on Saturday, December 7th from 8:30am-12:30pm. Students have been taking an HSPT class every Friday and should have been studying independently with the resources we provided so they could do their best. Please refer to specific instructions sent by email from the high school where you registered to take the test. Remember to sleep well and eat a good breakfast before the test!

Private School Financial Aid & TADS Applications
We recommend that you monitor your emails for any communication regarding additional documents that need to be uploaded and/or questions for your TADS or High School application.
  • Families that need extra support with their TADS applications, please sign up for an appointment: TADS Support
3. SFUSD Public School Enrollment
Applications are now available online. ALL students must complete the SFUSD public school enrollment application, even if they have applied to other schools. 
4. Charter Schools
Applications doe charter schools will be opening up this month. 

Stay In Touch with Graduate Support 

For resources, questions or feedback on high school placement, please contact the Graduate Support Team using gsp@demarillac.org or

Ms. Jessica Leon, Transition Advisor
jessica_leon@demarillac.org | 628.333.0193 (work cell)

Ms. Laura Ramirez, Family Partnership Coordinator
laura_ramirez@demarillac.org | Work: 415.552.5220 ext. 800; Cell: 415.236.2059 (text only)

Mr. Alberto Martinez, Director of Student, Graduate, and Family Services
alberto_martinez@demarillac.org | 415.652.7773 (work cell)


Student and Family Services

Support Request 

Welcome back DMA families and students! At DMA we are fortunate to have resources available to assist our students and families with  support throughout transitions, support includes counseling, academic advising, financial support and referrals to outside resources. If there is ever a time you would like to request support please fill out our request form. 

For any additional resources please visit our De Marillac Academy school website!

Family Meetings

Family Meetings are designed for support families in their own growth and development. In years prior we have covered topics that address, child safety, mental health, child development and more. In collaboration with our Student, Family & Graduate Support Program, we want to continue to provide families with the space for them to grow in their own learning as the primary educators in their students lives. 

Family meetings are mandatory for all grade levels, at least one member per household should be in attendance. If a family is unable to attend, it is the responsibility of the family to inform the Family Partnership Coordinator or SSC Coordinator 24 hours in advance. Failure to communicate accordantly  will result in fees:

  • 25.00 (First Meeting Missed)
  • 50.00 (Second Meeting Missed)
  • 75.00 (Third Meeting Missed)
  • Continuous missed meetings may result in dismissal from DMA

For the month of  December we will not have  family meetings, but invite you to join us for our Christmas Winter Wonderland Celebration. 

All  previous Family Meeting Presentations can be found here under Family Meeting Resource Guide SY 2024-2025

DMA Family Council 

Our next Family Council meeting will be on December 10th at 2:00 pm.  If you are unable to attend our meeting please let Ms. Ramirez know ahead of time. 

Ms. Ramirez 
Email: laura_ramirez@demarillac.org
Text: 628.220.5559 

TADS Financial Aid Application
Our financial aid application  for the 2025-26 school year will open up for  all DMA families in January. Instructions and details  will be emailed to you.  All current 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th grade families are required to complete an application . By completing the financial aid application on TADS, DMA will detain your continued aid and adjust your tuition agreements accordingly.

Deadlines must be met to secure your student's placement at De Marillac Academy.

To get ready to complete the application, please begin gather the following document:


  • Your 2023 Tax Forms
  • 2023 or 2024 W2s for all jobs
  • Two recent pay stubs for all jobs
  • Documentation if you receive any federal assistance like food stamps/Cal Fresh
  • Documentation of debt
  • Special Circumstances Letter

Gathering these documents before completing the application, will make the process much easier for you.

Copyright © 2024 De Marillac Academy, All rights reserved.
This is the DMA Family Newsletter.  

De Marillac Academy, 175 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94102

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Josephine Alonzo